Home >> Recipes >> Non-Veg. >> Fish Souffle

Fish Souffle

Serves: 4 Prep. time: 40 minutes Category: Main dish
1large onion chopped
1mediumcapsicum chopped
110gmspomfret fish
2 eggs
1tbspwhite sauce
For the white sauce
1. Heat 1 tbsp butter and add milk with maida.
2. Stir continuously till there is no lump.
For the Souffle
1. Boil fish, remove skin and flake it.
2. Heat 2 tsp butter and saute onion and capsicum.
3. Add fish flakes and pepper.
4. Mix fish with white sauce.
5. Separate yolk and white of the eggs.
6. Beat the white stiffly and the yolk lightly.
7. Put the yolk in fish and fold in the white.
8. Grease the baking dish and put in the mixture
9. Dot with butter and top with cheese. Bake at 150`c or cook for 15 min.

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